Sunday, September 25, 2011

What would you do if God gave you lemons?

I'm pretty sure i'd cut it in slices, take a bite and get a silly pucker face until the sour went away...

Lately i've questioned God asking why now, why this, why me, silly why questions. I guess i've just been asking the wrong questions. It's not why, it's why not. Why am I not strong enough to get through this silly little things? Well that's the thing... God placed this situations in my life for me to grow... I am strong enough!

He gave me lemons so I can make my silly pucker face, and move on. So I can grow, and no longer need to pucker up when I come across a lemon. 

... or these lemons at least. :)

Just a little thought I had tonight...

I guess what I'm getting at is that i'm actually thankful God is giving me the chance to grow, to enter the unknown, scary or not, he wouldn't put me through this if I wasn't strong enough, or mature enough, or whatever I need to be enough.

No, i'm not perfect. And i'm not fully matured, but I am growing in my relationship with God as well as healthy relationships with my close friends and family. So I'm ready for his lemons... metaphorically speaking. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Through the tough stuff...

... I just keep telling myself that no, i was never promised life would be easy, but he did promise that this would be worth it....

One day it'll be tattooed on me. Because it's sooo incredibly true. It's what I keep telling myself to get through this things that don't always seem so easy when you're stuck in the middle of them....

I can do everything, through him who gives me strength. - Philippians 4:13

So yes, i'll be the first to admit, sometimes life seems awful, and confusing, but honestly I'm thankful for the crazy life of mine that seems awful and confusing sometimes, because I know that it is what God has planned for me, well, it's helping me get there at least.

That's all for today...
- A

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It all makes sense....

Have you ever had a moment in time where you literally freeze up and realize everything you've been struggling with all fits together perfectly and makes total sense?

Well that's where i'm at in my life today... The few things I really started to doubt, and maybe even give up on a little big, pulled together and now fit perfectly in this crazy puzzle of my life i'm trying to put together.

For some reason i've always visualized my "life map" that God has planned out for me as a giant puzzle on some desk of his that he's watching me slowing try to put together all of my "pieces".

Recently a few odd shaped pieces were a little more clear to me, and now I get it. I understand where i'm headed with my life, and who I want to be.

I haven't been the Alexandra Smith that I want to be for the last year or so, and i'm finally seeing who I actually am. Not only who I want to be, but also why I want to be that girl, why I want to be a strong woman of God, and why I want to be me.

These weird shape pieces are starting to fit together wonderfully, I hope this continues. I could definetly get used to this awesome feeling. I don't think i've ever been so close to God in my life... Actually, I know I haven't. I love this, but not quite as much as I love him. <3 :)

It all makes sense now.... :)