I'm pretty sure i'd cut it in slices, take a bite and get a silly pucker face until the sour went away...
Lately i've questioned God asking why now, why this, why me, silly why questions. I guess i've just been asking the wrong questions. It's not why, it's why not. Why am I not strong enough to get through this silly little things? Well that's the thing... God placed this situations in my life for me to grow... I am strong enough!
He gave me lemons so I can make my silly pucker face, and move on. So I can grow, and no longer need to pucker up when I come across a lemon.
... or these lemons at least. :)
Just a little thought I had tonight...
I guess what I'm getting at is that i'm actually thankful God is giving me the chance to grow, to enter the unknown, scary or not, he wouldn't put me through this if I wasn't strong enough, or mature enough, or whatever I need to be enough.
No, i'm not perfect. And i'm not fully matured, but I am growing in my relationship with God as well as healthy relationships with my close friends and family. So I'm ready for his lemons... metaphorically speaking. :)