So I've heard that people cry not because they are weak, but because they've been strong for too long...
Well if that's the case....
why am I still crying? Why am I still finding tears streaming down my face? Why is this all I can think about? Why can't my brain process everything going on around me?
I'm scared. My heart breaks for my family. My heart hurts in thoughts of what could happen.
I don't konw what to think anymore, I don't know what to ask God, otherthan hope.
I'm giving my hope to him. I know this isn't a punishment, I know he has a plan. I plan for the twins, a plan for their daddy. I know He has a plan, but why is it so hard to remember when the tears are streaming down your face? Why does my heart hurt so bad?
If you're reading this, whether you know me, or my family, or not. Will you please pray?
For strengh...
For hope....
For courage...
For healing...
I pray that our hope continues to lay in his arms.